5 Things That Can Kill You While Driving In The UAE
Driving is an essential part of most people's daily lives, whether it's dropping the kids off at school, running errands, or traveling to work. Even if you have a clean driving record, unanticipated barriers might cause a major accident, putting everyone's life at stake. From bad road conditions to irresponsible drivers, here is a list of common road dangers that drivers should be aware of when driving a car rental in UAE, as well as how to avoid them.
Dubai's Traffic Regulations
Drivers in Dubai, like in the United States, drive on the right side of the road. Seatbelts are required, and using a cellphone while driving is forbidden. Children under the age of 12 should be seated in the back seat. The UAE features some of the world's fastest roadways, with speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour. Despite this, local drivers in their showy supercars often exceed 200 kilometers per hour. As a result, stay in the right slow lanes and avoid the far-left fast lanes unless you want to accelerate up or have other vehicles' headlights flashing at you from behind.
UAE's Road Rage
Other drivers in UAE are impatient, if you drive too slowly, you will frequently have your headlights flashed at you. Drivers also seem to leave little room between vehicles, often driving right up to your bumper. Despite the fact that drivers are frustrated, nasty hand signals are rarely seen. This is because using unpleasant gestures or cursing on the road might result in a fine or penalty, so if you're the impatient driver, keep your irritation to yourself.
Drivers who are careless
One of the most common reasons used by drivers after an accident is that they didn't notice the car or the person. The majority of accidents have been caused by people not paying attention. It's also worth mentioning that you can't always depend on other drivers to drive safely. As a result, it's best to be aware and double-check that you have enough room before moving lanes. Music volume levels should not be too high, as this, too, might cause distractions. Additionally, be cautious of cars on open roads and those linking to the freeway, as some motorists exit the expressway at dangerous speeds.
Malfunctioning Traffic Lights
While technology has advanced significantly, relying only on it may result in mishaps. Although it is not a typical sight in UAE, there is a risk of malfunction owing to storms or other factors, resulting in car crashes. Typically, the UAE police are well aware of the issue and will be stationed to direct traffic lights. It is preferable to follow their orders in such cases.
On the Road With Motorcycles
As the number of bikes on the road grows, so does the likelihood of a motorbike accident. With the number of motorbikes on the road rising every year, drivers must exercise caution when sharing the road with them. Because they are difficult to notice and prone to vanish into the blind