Ferrari World Day Trip from Dubai

Ferrari World Day Trip from Dubai


A must-do while in Dubai is to explore Ferrari World, the biggest indoor theme park in the world devoted completely to the automobile manufacturer. This park is well-known for its thrill rollercoaster as well as attractions in addition to the official boutiques and galleries that display the progression of Ferrari automobiles throughout time.

It's not difficult to get to Ferrari World, and there are a variety of excursions available, based on how much you would like to stay or what you wish to do with your extra time. Despite the abundance of choices, We have been searching for the finest ones so you can get comfortable and reserve your trip to Ferrari World.


Trip from Dubai to Ferrari World with a Racing Simulator Included:

If you go on a tour, getting from Dubai to Ferrari Global Abu Dhabi will be a lot less of a hassle for you. We can guarantee it. Why we feel driven to express it, we cannot fathom. Because these tours include full park entrance as well as Dubai to Ferrari world bus, you can make any reservation all at once as well as for a single charge that starts at 100 €. A significant advantage is that you will be picked up from your hotel and Ferrari world with a transfer to the park as part of a small party in an air-conditioned vehicle. Once there, you will explore the park at your leisure.

Ferrari World Day Trip

Enjoy All the Park's Activities

If you skip the transfers or take trips around Dubai on your own, you will have more opportunity time (approximately 5 hours) to visit each of Ferrari World's and over 30 sights, including the kart track as well as a simulator, and even have the opportunity to experience what it is like to be a real racing driver. Even if you might not have sufficient money saved to buy a car, you will still be able to visit the largest Ferrari store in the world and buy some souvenirs to remember your trip.

Check to check whether food is supplied since this is not something that Ferrari world offers very often. In such case, there is no need for concern since Ferrari World has a variety of restaurants from which you may choose. Even though we are in the United Arab Emirates, the best part of this theme park is the authentic Italian cuisine; thus, you may relax with a slice of wonderful pizza. You shouldn't even think of going on Formula Rossa, which is the rollercoaster ride that holds the record for being the fastest in the world.


Discover a More Established Area of the City

If you find the amount of anticipation on these journeys to Abu Dhabi through Dubai to be overwhelming, the Zayed Mosque is a very traditional but really beautiful place that serves as a comparison to help you get to comprehend Dubai beyond Ferrari. If you visit the Zayed Mosque, you will be to know Dubai beyond Ferrari.

Ferrari World Day Trip

Informative details:

  • Price: Roughly 190€.
  • Duration: Around 7 hours (5 hours at Ferrari World).
  • What is contained? Transfers, admittance Ferrari world tickets (which feature go-karting and racing simulation), and a trip to a Sheikh Zayed Mosque.
  • Recommendation if: You want to spend a whole half-day at Ferrari World.


Full-service private excursion from Dubai to Ferrari World

Private transportation is the most exclusive method to visit Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi since the brand is associated with exclusivity. On the day of your choosing, a professionally chauffeured vehicle will pick you up from your hotel in Dubai and drive you directly to Ferrari World without stopping or waiting for other passengers. Once you're within the Park, you can take your time seeing all the sites, activities, shops, and museums since you'll know that your driver will be there when you're ready to go.

These excursions cost more since they are private tours where you are picked up when and where you choose. However, if you know for sure that you want to visit Ferrari World and seem to have a full day to enjoy the adrenaline that flows throughout the park, it will be worth it.

Informative statistics:

  • Price: 120 euros or such.
  • Duration: 8 hours or so.
  • What is contained? Ferrari World full admission tickets, private transportation with hotel pickup.
  • Recommendation: You want to take your time and appreciate Ferrari World.


A Quick Trip to Ferrari World

If you'd like to visit Ferrari Universe during your one-day trip to Abu Dhabi but aren't particularly interested in riding its thrill rollercoaster, we suggest scheduling a bus sightseeing tour of the city that includes a brief stop at the park. These trips are highly thorough since they include a knowledgeable guide and stop at additional tourist attractions across the city. In addition, because admission fees are not included, the Ferrari world Dubai ticket price is a little bit more reasonable (about 60 €).

Ferrari World is indeed the biggest indoor pool park in the world, so even if you don't want to go inside, we recommend you at least view it from the outside. we can tell you that looking at its enormous crimson dome will wow you and make you want to snap many pictures of it. Additionally, you may enter the official shops and shop for souvenirs even if you don't have a park admission ticket.

Informative details:

  • Price of around 60 euros.
  • Duration: Around 5 hours.
  • What is contained? Rides in a shared car for transfers.
  • Recommendation if: You simply desire to view Ferrari World without having to pay admission.