Flamingo Lake in the Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary

Flamingo Lake in the Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary

Did you know what flamingos look like? You may do it now. Book flight tickets to the Dubai City and spend time at Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary. This is a rather remarkable place mostly owing to Flamingo Lake which is a home to flamingos in great numbers.
What to Know Before Visiting Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary | ExpatWoman.com

Here are some reasons to visit Flamingo Lake:

Flamingo Lake occupies an area of about 6square kilometers and is located beside the entrance to the Dubai Creek. It is located within the Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary, a protected area that was set up in 1985. Currently the sanctuary and the lake are owned by Dubai Municipality to be developed and protected as part of the natural environment within the urban city popularly known as the City of Gold.

Birds of the lake include the flamboyantly pink flamingos, which are a sight to behold for the birding and nature lovers. You can visit them in their natural environment as they are referred to as rose-colored birds. However, this is not the case with flamingos only, the Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary supports over 400 other species of animals and 40 types of plants.

When is the best time to view flamingos

Flamingos can be observed in Dubai from November through to March, which creates a rather magnificent spectacle for lovers of nature during the better weather into the new year. These birds can be easily observed during winter by December to February since this is the time they migrate. At this time of the year, large numbers of flamingos can be observed wading on the lakes in search of food and courtship. The best time to watch their stately appearances is early in the morning when the scaffolding of light is deployed on the face of the water, and in early evening, when the face of the sky attains a glorious golden hue.

What time of the year should one plan to see these beautiful birds in particular?

Flamingos in Dubai can be watched from November to March making it one of the distinct experiences one can enjoy in the cooler months. The best time to see these birds of prey is when they are in the process of migration which is mainly during the period of December to February. During this period, several flamingoes particularly large numbers of bird may be sighted congregating in large flocks around the lakes for feeding purposes and breeding. It is best to see them during early morning just when the dew is still glistening in the grass and during the golden moments of the evening just before the sun sets.

It also brings along the best time that any tourist would love to visit Dubai for a vacation. The scorching summer is succeeded by the more comfortable weather, the temperature in the shade during the winter months varying from 25 C during daytime. It is much easier for tourists to visit nature reserves and beaches, as well as cultural heritage sites in the city, provided it is not too hot. This makes both tourists and the residents of La Pescaderia to be able to engage in various activities without being oppressed by the scorching heat that characterizes most of the year in Dubai.

Thus, observing flamingos in the wild to sightseeing in better weather, winter in Dubai is a great combination of nature and the best of the modern world for tourists.

Open hours

Flamingo Lake is located within a wildlife sanctuary therefore the place is open during certain time only. It is open from October to March and one can visit there from 7:30 a. m in the morning till 5:30 in the evening. During the period of April to September you must go the Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary between 6 am to 6 pm.

When you want to capture the memory of a lifetime while visiting the flamingos, get to Flamingo Lake at 10 in the morning or around 4 in the evening since this is when they are fed. This is the time when the flamingos are most active and in the right position to capture beautiful colors and moments of feeding. But what people should be aware of is that it is prohibited to feed the birds and other animals by themselves. This rule is important to oversee the health of the animals and facilitate their feeding regime to support existence of their natural habitats. Visit the place and learn to appreciate the animals without necessarily having to come close or interact with them.

10 Fun flamingo facts you should know

  1. But to visit the Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary and Flamingo Lake, it is not sufficient to know when it is better to come and what time the sanctuary is opened. It would have been better if you had more understanding of these wild birds.

  2. This is a case with flamingos where they get their pink color from the brine shrimp or any other type of seafood that contains beta carotene.

  3. Flamingo offspring are birthed in coloration of grey or white.

  4. Flamingos stand on one leg in shallow water to warm its body.

  5. Six species of flamingo can be observed in the different parts of the Americas, Africa, Europe, and Asia. Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary has the greatest number of species of Greater Flamingo.

  6. Since flamingos are filter feeders, their beak acts as a perfect sieve that helps in straining small organisms from the mud and silt.

  7. When it comes to birds flying, flamingos may not look like they can fly despite their large size. They can fly several hundreds of miles looking for food or going to breeding grounds.

  8. Flamingos are friendly birds and are always in groups. It plays a vital role of protecting them from predators.

  9. They lay a single egg in a nest which is made from mud. It was designed to remain raised from the ordinary levels of the water bodies.

  10. Flamingos have the ability to live for several decades. They are known to live long since they have suitable shelters and cannot be easily pursued by other animals.