Teach children how to handle failure and make stronger their values

Teach children how to handle failure and make stronger their values


Helping their children achieve is typically how parents define their purpose. However, teachers and other professionals who interact with children are beginning to understand that youngsters need more assistance learning how to fail. Children who do not learn to accept failure are more susceptible to worry. Whether it happens in preschool or college, the inevitable failure results in meltdowns. Even more importantly, it may discourage kids from attempting new activities or from trying anything at all. Michael Jordan, one of the greatest players in history, has spent years praising the value of defeat. Jordan has made a point of emphasizing how his ability to persevere and remain strong in the face of difficulties both on and off the court is what has made him successful.

Unfortunately, as society puts greater pressure on children to succeed and parents feel obligated to provide for them in any way they can, we are witnessing an increase in the number of children who become upset over even the smallest blunder. Does your child know what the word "failure" means? The language we are all learning as parents is a new one. The language of our young children or infants. A dialect that is continuously developed. We frequently utilize his words when speaking to the elderly since they are so profound and evocative of feelings. The most recent discovery and learning is the “Koi Na” Therapy, which is short for "koi baat nahi" and means "never mind, it's okay, it's fine, don't bother, it's nothing." This is a fantastic conscious parenting technique for teaching kids how to deal with failure. Sometimes it means its okay to stumble, fail, and lose; instead of succeeding, it's better to learn. This theory does indeed mean that. A notion about how to handle failure when teaching children.


Teach children how to handle failure

Since Vaidik started attending play school, he has been babbling, interacting with new infants, running across the park, swinging and sliding, falling occasionally, fighting with other babies, sobbing, and frequently grumbling. It's almost like a ritual for him to sulk and say "Koi na" again in the lovely Punjabi tone whenever something disturbs him. If he falls, it implies that you weren't harmed too badly and that you are stronger than before, my child. He's simply upset, so let's go on and be cheerful, he says when he sobs. When he cannot locate his toy, it is time to play another game because there is always a better one. He doesn't really care when he's hungry; maybe, he will learn to wait 30 seconds for his meal to arrive on his plate. When someone hits, it's a signal to have a conversation. It will be difficult to make older children understand, but we must make an effort. They need our assistance in realizing that failure is only another turning point in life. Talking about renowned figures in sports, politics, science, etc. is a good place to start. Before teaching this to our children, we must first practice it in our own actions.


Make yourself a model

You may say that failure is a part of life and that everyone experiences it, even you. You might give anecdotes about your "failures" in the past. Kids aren't always made aware of the fact that failures, mistakes, and stumbles are a part of life. Even while everyone prefers when things go as planned, it's crucial to teach our kids that it's okay when things don't.


Make it teachable moment

When a child fails, parents have the chance to model acceptance and problem-solving techniques. You and your kid can brainstorm strategies for what she might do differently the next time to increase her chances of success. Could she, for instance, alter her study habits or discuss any concerns she has with the teacher before a test?


The minefield of social media

Children must also understand that sometimes there is little we can do about failure or disappointment; instead, we must accept it as a fact of life and move on. Dr. Mintzer uses the minefield that is social media as an example. Let's imagine that a girl's friends have told her they can't spend out with her, but she later sees them together on Face book or Instagram. Dr. Mintzer exclaims, "That truly hurts." There are numerous emotions, including anger, sadness, disappointment, and impatience. What does she do about that? Screaming and calling friends simply makes the situation worse. She may deny seeing it and choose to dismiss it, but it won't help her feel better or alter the course of events. So how can a parent assist their child in accepting what happened? To help the girl feel better, she might be able to learn more. Maybe she can calmly explain to these kids that she saw the pictures and that it damaged her feelings. Maybe she'll figure out why it happened. However, she might not receive a satisfactory response or none at all. Another life lesson that follows from this is that we must learn to accept the fact that we don't always fit in and aren't always loved in order to avoid making things worse. Many of these talents are required for interpersonal connections, according to Dr. Mintzer.


Therapy can help

Therapy may be necessary if a child's fear of failure prevents them from functioning normally. A child may be paralysed with anxiety even if they don't have an anxiety diagnosis. When that occurs, exposure therapy is used to "slowly expose children to things that aren't perfect," according to Dr. Mintzer. For instance, parents may complain that their child keeps tearing up their homework and starting over, which makes it take forever. Children are being taught that it's acceptable to misspell a word and carry on, she claims. In a session, we would ask them to write a paragraph or two with as many errors as possible, including poor handwriting, to help them accept the idea that it's not the end of the world.