WhatsApp Business Features App

WhatsApp Business Features App


For businesses of all sizes, the free WhatsApp Business app offers a range of features. Having a WhatsApp Business account allows you to personalize your connections with customers while also streamlining the purchase process for them. When used with the WhatsApp Chabot, WhatsApp Business is a highly useful tool for businesses. Thanks to the various new features that the network is releasing, WhatsApp is becoming into a terrific shopping destination, especially during off-peak hours. WhatsApp for Business has several great features that you may use even if you decide against building a Chabot. 


Business profile

Create a business profile for yourself that includes details that clients could find useful, such as your address, a description of your company, an email address, and a website. Brands may benefit from business accounts by winning a customer over. a company's" A face becomes recognizable thanks to a corporate profile and charisma. For "Verified" "WhatsApp must vouch for the validity of this business account by placing a badge next to the name of your company. 


Quick replies

These are consistent communications that answer common inquiries. You may save and reuse frequently sent messages with succinct replies so you can swiftly address common questions. To choose and send a quick answer, simply press the "/" key on your keyboard. 


Automatic greeting messages

You may create a welcome message using WhatsApp for Business that clients will see when they first get in touch with you or after 14 days of inactivity. Without any waiting or delays, instant messaging enables you to pleasantly welcome and introduce your company to a new potential customer. 


Setting away messages

Away messages are similar to welcome messages. After hours, if someone attempts to reach the company, they receive a personalized message. You can include a personalized comment or email your working hours. They may be set to turn on at the predetermined time. You can edit your away message and select a time for sending it from this page. Your choices are Always send, Custom schedule, and after business hours. 


Label contacts

For enterprises, it is possible to organize and label contacts for easy access. If you gather and arrange your contacts in this way, searching through them is easy. How to add a label to a brand-new contact: By selecting the menu button, choose a label on the client's chat page, and then click Save. 


Access message statistics 

With WhatsApp for Business, you can obtain important metrics like the quantity of your messages that were sent, delivered, and seen. Getting statistics: By selecting the Menu button, choose Settings > Business Settings > Statistics. 


Catalogs and collections

Your firm may exhibit its items in catalogues for potential buyers to browse and examine them quickly. Thanks to catalogues, you are no longer need to enter each item, price, and description separately as you always used to. You may cease directing your customers elsewhere or to the internet now that everything is conveniently grouped on your WhatsApp page. For each item in your catalogue, you may include information like the cost, a brief description, and a product code. Compared to asking you about each item separately or going from WhatsApp to the website, your customers will find this to be more user-friendly. 


Interactive business messages

Interactive buttons have a significant positive impact on both the overall customer experience (CX) and the smooth customer journey. The first advantage is that your users can much more clearly understand what to accomplish. The user can find it to be quite confusing. Should he give the number in his reply? Or how about typing "Make an order"? The user can also cancel the chat if they type anything the bot doesn't comprehend. 


Facebook shop integration

You can create distinctive shopping experiences for your businesses with the aid of Facebook Shops and easily include them within the Facebook family of applications. You may engage with potential customers and advertise the products and services your company is selling. It is an invaluable tool for any growing company.