How Long Does it Take For a Fine to Show Up Dubai With Great Dubai

How Long Does it Take For a Fine to Show Up Dubai With Great Dubai

How Long Does it Take for a Fine to Show up in Dubai

Whether you are a resident or a visitor in Dubai, it is vital to adhere to violations and fines. To maintain the safety of people, the authorities of Dubai applied fines for violations like Traffic and overstaying. In this detailed blog, we will try to know how long it takes for a Fine to Show up in Dubai.

Types of Fines In Dubai

Fines for violations play an important role in maintaining safety, comfort, and peace in Dubai. In this city of the UAE, the authorities ask every resident and visitor to adhere to fines. Fines are normally applied to violations to ensure avoiding further violations in Dubai. 

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Traffic Fines

Violation Type


Estimated Fine Amount

Time for Fine to Show Up

Additional Notes


Exceeding the speed limit

AED 300 - AED 2,000

1-3 days

Fine amount increases with extent of speeding

Red Light Violation

Running a red light

AED 500 - AED 1,000

1-3 days

Includes camera fines, usually processed quickly

Illegal Parking

Parking in unauthorized areas

AED 150 - AED 500

1-2 days

Fine varies based on location and severity

Reckless Driving

Aggressive driving, tailgating, etc.

AED 1,000 - AED 2,000

1-3 days

Considered a serious offense with higher fines

Driving Without a License

Driving without valid license

AED 1,000 - AED 5,000

1-5 days

Penalties can be severe, including impoundment

Seatbelt Violation

Not wearing seatbelt

AED 400 - AED 600

1-2 days

Fine for both driver and passengers

Using Mobile Phone While Driving

Using phone without hands-free

AED 800 - AED 1,000

1-3 days

Higher fines for repeat offenses


Following too closely

AED 1,000 - AED 2,000

1-3 days

Aggressive behavior results in higher fines

Whether you are a resident or a visitor in Dubai, if you do traffic violations you face fines from traffic authorities. Traffic laws and regulations of this bustling city are strict which ensures the safety of all road users. Here are some types of traffic fines:

  • Speeding: It is one of the serious traffic violations in Dubai that causes fines. This fine of traffic normally depends on whether the speed limit is according to posted speed or not.

  • Jumping a red light: It is also a serious traffic violation in Dubai which has a heavy fine if you do it.

  • Using mobile phones while driving: The usage of mobile phones is not allowed while driving in Dubai as it leads to fines. 

  • Seat Belt Violations: In Dubai, If you do not wear a seat belt while driving, you will face fines.

How to check Traffic fines in Dubai 

Dubai Police Website

The easiest way to check traffic fines in Dubai is by visiting the police website. People can pay their fines at the police website after providing details like the vehicle's license plate number. 

Overstay Fines

Violation Type

Estimated Fine Amount

Time for Fine to Show Up

Overstaying on a Tourist Visa

AED 1,000 - AED 2,000

1-3 days

Overstaying on a Residence Visa

AED 1,000 - AED 5,000

1-3 days

Overstaying on a Visit Visa

AED 1,000 - AED 2,000

1-3 days

Overstaying on a Transit Visa

AED 500 - AED 1,000

1-3 days

In Dubai, the knowledge of overstay fines is vital for every resident and tourist. The authorities of this vibrant city implement strict rules for everyone to avoid fines and legal consequences. Furthermore, if you overstay in this bustling it may result in a travel ban and deportation.

How to check Overstay fines in Dubai 

There are many ways to check overstay fines in Dubai. The authorities of this emirate provide different platforms like the GDRFA Website and Immigration Offices for this purpose.

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How to Pay Fines in Dubai

Online Payment 

To pay your fine, online payment is one of the most reliable methods in Dubai. In this process visit the official website or mobile apps and pay your fine by using your credit or debit card.


Bank Transfer is another comfortable method to pay fines in Dubai. You can pay your fine in various banks located in this city as it is a smooth process.

How fines are issued

Automatic system

In Dubai, the fines which are related to traffic violations are issued through an automatic system. The system, like speed and red light cameras, records violations which lead to fines in this vibrant city.

Online platforms

If you do violations related to traffic or overstay in Dubai, many online platforms show your fines. The fines that are due to traffic violations are normally checked by the RTA website or the Dubai police website.  Moreover, fines which are related to overstays are checked through the GDRFA website and immigration office.

Timelines for Fines to Show up

Automatic fines

Automatic fines are normally checked through traffic cameras and quickly appear in the system. Moreover, these fines appear in a few days or maybe in a couple of days.

On the spot fine

The fines which are issued on the spot normally appear in the system within 24 hours. Furthermore, the immediate nature of these fines ensures that they are quickly processed in Dubai.