Hiring a Housemaid in Dubai: Eligibility, Requirements, and Benefits

Hiring a Housemaid in Dubai: Eligibility, Requirements, and Benefits


A significant number of native families in Dubai have a strong preference for a luxurious lifestyle. To handle various tasks within their households, they often hire a considerable number of workers. In order to effectively manage these employees, the services of a housemaid are required. The maid jobs in Dubai serves as the supervisor for all the workers, overseeing their assigned tasks and responsibilities.

Who is eligible to hire a maid in Dubai?

  • The head of the family, usually the male, can sponsor a maid visa in Dubai. The sponsor's monthly salary should be a minimum of AED 6000 or AED 5000 along with accommodation.
  • There is a minimum housing requirement of a 2BHK (two-bedroom apartment) to hire a maid in Dubai.
  • According to the law, bachelors are not permitted to sponsor a maid.
  • If a male is sponsoring the maid, a wife visa is required.
  • Maids can only be sponsored from the following countries: Indonesia, Kenya, Nepal, Philippines, India, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, and Bangladesh.
  • Individuals who are preferred for hiring should possess a diploma or bachelor's degree.
  • They must also be physically, medically, and mentally fit.
  • Stamina and skills for day-to-day task management are essential.

Types of Domestic Helpers as per UAE Law

The UAE law has classified 19 occupations under service work for domestic helpers. They include:

  1. Housemaid
  2. Private sailor
  3. Watchman and security guard
  4. Household shepherd
  5. Family chauffeur
  6. Parking valet workers
  7. Household horse groomer
  8. Household falcon caretaker and trainer
  9. Domestic laborer
  10. Housekeeper
  11. Private coach
  12. Private teacher
  13. Babysitter/nanny
  14. Household farmer
  15. Gardener
  16. Private nurse
  17. Private PRO
  18. Private agriculture engineer
  19. Cook

The Incredible Benefits of Housemaid Jobs in Dubai

Discover the remarkable advantages of working as a housemaid in Dubai. Let’s get to know some of the key perks:

·        Paid Training

Employers in Dubai value perfection in their employees' work. As a housemaid, you will undergo specialized training, which sets this job apart. Unlike other training programs that require payment, you will be paid for your training. This is a fantastic perk of the job.

·        Paid Sick Leave

When employed as a housemaid, you are entitled to paid sick leave. Simply provide your medical certificates to validate your illness, and if you meet the requirements, you will receive paid time off. This benefit emphasizes the value placed on your well-being.

·        Active Daily Routine

Managing daily tasks and overseeing employees keeps you engaged in a dynamic routine. This level of activity contributes to a healthier lifestyle and reduces the risk of ailments associated with prolonged sedentary behavior.

·        Competitive Compensation

Housemaid jobs in Dubai offer excellent pay that reflects the level of work involved. You can expect to be fairly rewarded for your dedication and efforts in this profession.

Rights of Domestic and Household Workers

According to the Decree Law, domestic and household workers are entitled to the following rights:

Timely Payment of Wages

Domestic workers have the right to receive their wages within 10 days of the due date, as specified in the standard contract.

Paid Rest Day

They are entitled to one paid rest day per week, allowing them to take a break from work.

Daily Rest Period

Domestic workers have the right to a minimum of 12 hours of rest per day, including 8 consecutive hours of uninterrupted rest.

Paid Annual Leave

They are entitled to 30 days of paid annual leave, providing them with an opportunity for vacation and personal time off.

Round-Trip Ticket

Domestic workers have the right to be provided with a round-trip ticket to their home country once every 2 years.

Sick Leave

They can take up to 30 days of paid sick leave per year, allowing them to recover from illnesses without financial strain.

Possession of Personal Identification Papers

Domestic workers have the right to retain possession of their personal identification papers, such as passports and IDs, ensuring their personal and legal rights are protected.

Various packages to assist for Hiring a Helper in the UAE

If you're looking to hire a full-time maid or domestic helper in the UAE, here's an overview of the process. Tadbeer centers, regulated by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE), are responsible for managing agencies that recruit domestic helpers. 

These centers offer various packages to assist customers in recruiting domestic helpers:

Direct Sponsorship Package to Recruit Domestic Helper

Tadbeer centers guarantee the performance and loyalty for around 180 days. However, the helpers' visas will be under the sponsorship of the employing family.

Direct Sponsorship After 6 Months

The package allows families to hire a worker on a temporary basis. After this period, the helper's visa can be transferred under the family's sponsorship, subject to an agreement between both parties.

Tadbeer Sponsorship to Recruit Domestic Helper

The third package offers the option of hiring workers under the sponsorship of the Tadbeer center itself.

Time-based Packages to Recruit Domestic Helper

This package provides on-demand services. Furthermore, it also allow the families to hire a helper under the sponsorship of Tadbeer. The services can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of the customers.

Housemaid Salaries in UAE

The salaries of housemaids in Dubai and other Emirates vary based on their country of origin. Here are the approximate salary ranges:

·         Ethiopia, Uganda, and Nigeria: Housemaids from these countries are typically paid around AED 800 per month.

·         Philippines and Indonesia: Salaries for maids from the Philippines and Indonesia range between AED 1200 and AED 1400 per month.

Legal Prohibitions

The draft Domestic Labour Law in UAE prohibits the following actions:

·         Individuals under the age of 18.

·         Discrimination based on race, gender, religion, color, as well as political opinion.

·         Verbal or physical sexual harassment.

·         Forced labor or trafficking, in line with national laws and ratified international conventions.

·         Exposure to physical harm.

·         Assignment of tasks, not covered under the contract.

Requirements for Sponsoring a Maid in Dubai

To sponsor a maid and apply for a residency permit, you must submit the following documents and fulfill certain requirements to the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs:

Sponsor's Passport Copy with Valid Residence Stamp

Provide a copy of the sponsor's passport, which should include a valid residence stamp.

Attested Labor Contract or Original Salary Certificate

For sponsors whose visas are directly issued by immigration, an attested labor contract or original salary certificate in Arabic is required.

Two-Bedroom Apartment and Attested Tenancy Contract

The sponsor must have a minimum of a two-bedroom apartment. Provide a copy of the attested tenancy contract, certified by Ejari, as proof of accommodation.

Helper's Passport Copy

Submit a copy of the helper's passport, which must be valid for at least six months.

Four Recent Passport Size Photos

Include four recent passport-size photos of the helper with a white background.

Application Form from Authorized Typing Center

Fill out the application for the helper's visa at an authorized typing center.

How to Get a Maid Visa in Dubai, UAE

If you are a UAE local or expatriate residing in Dubai and planning to hire a maid, housekeeper, or nanny, understanding the process of obtaining a domestic worker visa is crucial. 

With this knowledge, you can navigate the visa application process confidently and ensure compliance with UAE immigration laws.

Documents to Sponsor a Maid Visa

To sponsor a maid or nanny in the UAE, the sponsor must submit the following documents:

·         Completed Visa Application Form: Obtain and fill out the application form from an authorized typing office.

·    Affidavit of Non-Relationship: If the maid is from the same country as the sponsor, an affidavit from the embassy or consulate certifying no family relationship is required.

·         Passport and Visa Copies: Provide copies of the sponsor's and maid's passports and valid visas.

·         Passport Photos: Recent passport-sized photographs. (both the sponsor and the maid).

·         Bank Statements: Provide the sponsor's bank statements for the past three months to demonstrate financial stability.

·         Tenancy Contract: Submit a copy of the sponsor's tenancy contract for a minimum two-bedroom unit as proof of accommodation.

·         Salary Certificate: Include the sponsor's salary certificate from their employer.

Process to Apply for a Domestic Maid Visa in Dubai?

Domestic Worker's Services Centers

To bring in domestic help such as a maid, nanny, or housekeeper in Dubai or anywhere in the UAE, you will need to obtain the necessary visa. Tadbeer Domestic Service is a one-stop service center that can guide you through the entire visa process.

Fulfill Requirements

Meet the minimum salary requirements and submit the required documents. Sign a contract and pay a refundable deposit. Along with this, the worker must have a valid entry permit.

Tadbeer Domestic Workers

Tadbeer offer government typing services for entry permits, new visas, and residency visa. Tadbeer also provides employment and placement services for the recruitment and deployment of domestic and household workers.

Cost of Visa Service for a Domestic Helper in Dubai

The expenses associated with hiring a domestic helper in Dubai can vary based on factors such as the type of employment authorization, the worker's nationality, and their location. 

Here are some typical costs:

Application Fee: Covers administrative charges for processing the employment permit application, varying based on the authorization type and nationality.

Medical Examination Fee: The cost of the medical test required for the worker's fitness evaluation can vary depending on the chosen healthcare provider.

Emirates ID Fee: Obtaining an Emirates ID, the official identification card in the UAE, may incur expenses based on the application type and processing time.

Insurance Fee: Employers are responsible for providing medical insurance coverage, with costs depending on the chosen policy and coverage extent.

Recruitment Agency Fee: If the worker is recruited through a registered agency, a fee for recruitment services may apply.

By understanding these costs, you can plan and budget accordingly when hiring a domestic helper in Dubai.


Hiring a housemaid in Dubai involves specific eligibility criteria, requirements, and benefits. Maids can only be sponsored from certain countries, and preferred candidates should possess a diploma or bachelor's degree and be physically, medically, and mentally fit. There are various types of domestic helpers classified under UAE law.

To hire a domestic helper in the UAE, Tadbeer centers offer different packages and the salaries of housemaids vary based on their country of origin. However, following the proper procedures and adhering to the laws and regulations ensures a smooth and legal hiring process.


What is the minimum salary for maids in the UAE?

The minimum salary for maids in the UAE is typically higher. It ranges from AED 2500 to AED 3000. So, just like other high earning careers in UAE, maids and domestic helpers can fetch a decent pay in UAE.

How can I find a full-time maid in Dubai?

Visit a Tasheel Centre in the UAE to inquire about the full time maids in UAE. Or go to the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) website to initiate the process of sponsoring a maid. Submit all the required documents for the application.

Is it possible to hire a maid without an agency in Dubai?

Yes, you can hire a maid in Dubai yourself. However, it is advised for UAE residents to hire maids only from MoHRE-approved agencies. They use certain identity checks to screen good maids and domestic helps.

What is the age limit for maids in Dubai?

The age limit for maids in Dubai is 60 years. However, the age requirements may vary for maids from different countries. House maids and domestic helps originating from South Asia and South East Asia normally charge less.

How can I become a housemaid?

To become a housemaid, you generally need basic housekeeping experience. The specific requirements may vary depending on whether you work for a professional cleaning company, a hotel, a hospital. If you are self-employed, then there are other requirements to follow.

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