Part Time Jobs in Sharjah Top 10 Companies to Consider

Part Time Jobs in Sharjah Top 10 Companies to Consider



Sharjah, known for its social legacy, stunning landscapes, and clamoring economy, offers plenty of opportunities for people looking for part-time work. Whether you're an understudy hoping to acquire insight or a professional looking for valuable pay, Sharjah's job market takes care of different requirements. In this blog, we'll dig into the main 10 companies in Sharjah offering Part-time jobs in Sharjah opportunities, alongside using well known job portals like LinkedIn, Naukrigulf, and others to help your job search.

Top 10 Companies to Consider for Part-Time Jobs in Shrajah

Presently, how about we expand on every one of these companies in more detail:

1.  Sharjah Airport Authority

Part Time Jobs in Sharjah

The Sharjah Airport Authority is a crucial organization in Sharjah's flying area, regulating the operations and improvement of Sharjah Global Airport. As quite possibly of the most active airport in the area, SAA offers different part-time positions across various departments. These jobs generally include:

Customer Administration: Part-time representatives might work in customer administration jobs, helping travelers with requests, tagging, and things handling.

Administration: SAA might employ part-time administrative staff to support different office capabilities, including data entry, documenting, and coordination of timetables.

Retail Operations: Inside the airport premises, there are various retail outlets. Part-time positions in retail include undertakings, for example, cashiering, deals assistance, and merchandise stocking.

Working at SAA gives significant openness to the flight business, customer administration abilities, and opportunities for professional development.

2.  Sharjah Cooperative Society

Part Time Jobs in Sharjah

As one of the main retail chains in Sharjah, the Sharjah Cooperative Society works an organization of stores, hypermarkets, and corner shops across the emirate. Part-time job opportunities inside the Sharjah Cooperative Society ordinarily include:

Cashiering: Part-time clerks handle exchanges, process installments, and give customer administration at checkout counters.

Stocking: Workers might help with stocking racks, renewing stock, and keeping up with store neatness.

Customer Assistance: Part-time staff assist customers with finding items, give data about advancements, and offer assistance depending on the situation.

3.  Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority (SEWA)

Part Time Jobs in Sharjah

SEWA is responsible for giving electricity, water, and gaseous petrol services to occupants and organizations in Sharjah. Part-time job opportunities at SEWA can be tracked down in different departments, including:

Customer Support: Part-time jobs might include responding to customer requests, handling administration demands, and tending to charging concerns.

Administrative Support: SEWA might employ part-time administrative staff to help with undertakings like data entry, recording, and archive management.

Working at SEWA furnishes people with knowledge into utility services, customer relationship management abilities, and opportunities to add to local area government assistance.

4.  Sharjah Municipality

Part Time Jobs in Sharjah

The Sharjah Municipality assumes a vital part in overseeing and fostering the city's framework, public services, and metropolitan arranging drives. Part-time job opportunities at Sharjah Municipality often envelop various jobs, including:

Data Entry: Part-time representatives might help with data entry undertakings, refreshing databases, and sorting out records.

Customer Relations: People might work in customer administration jobs, tending to requests, protests, and criticism from occupants.

Event Coordination: Sharjah Municipality arranges different local area events and projects, offering part-time positions in event coordination and planned operations.

5.  American University of Sharjah (AUS)

AUS is a lofty institution eminent for its academic projects and social variety. Part-time job opportunities at AUS take care of different capabilities and departments, including:

Tutoring: Part-time guides might help understudies with academic subjects, test arrangement, and review abilities.

Administrative Support: AUS employs part-time administrative staff to support departments with undertakings like recording, booking, and correspondence.

Campus Services: Part-time jobs might include helping with campus events, understudy exercises, and office management.

6.  Sharjah Museums Authority

The Sharjah Museums Authority manages different museums and social institutions in Sharjah, safeguarding the emirate's legacy and advancing social mindfulness. Part-time job opportunities at Sharjah Museums Authority include:

Gallery Operations: Part-time staff might help with historical center operations, including tagging, directed tours, and relic protection.

Tour Guiding: People might fill in as part-time tour guides, giving guests experiences into displays, assortments, and authentic settings.

Event Management: Sharjah Museums Authority sorts out events, studios, and displays, offering part-time positions in event arranging and coordination.

7.  Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI)

SCCI plays a vital role in promoting economic growth, trade, and investment in Sharjah. Part-time job opportunities at SCCI cover a range of functions, including:

Marketing: Part-time employees may assist with marketing campaigns, social media management, and promotional activities.

Event Planning: SCCI organizes business conferences, exhibitions, and networking events, offering part-time positions in event coordination and logistics.

Administrative Support: Part-time staff may provide administrative assistance, including data entry, document preparation, and scheduling.

8.  Sharjah Media Corporation

Sharjah Media Corporation regulates different media outlets, including TV, radio, and computerized platforms, adding to the area's media landscape. Part-time job opportunities at Sharjah Media Corporation include jobs, for example,

Journalism: Part-time columnists might add to news detailing, include composing, and content creation for different media channels.

Content Creation: People might deal with part-time premise to make multimedia content, including recordings, articles, and virtual entertainment posts.

Multimedia Creation: Part-time staff might help with video altering, sound creation, and visual communication for media projects.

Taking care of business at Sharjah Media Corporation gives people hands-on experience in media creation, narrating abilities, and openness to media industry standards and practices.

9.  Sharjah Health Authority

Healthcare is a priority in Sharjah, and the Sharjah Health Authority assumes a focal part in guaranteeing the conveyance of value healthcare services to occupants. Part-time job opportunities at Sharjah Health Authority might include:

Nursing: Part-time attendants might help with patient care, medicine administration, and health screenings in healthcare offices.

Administrative Support: Part-time staff might give administrative assistance to healthcare professionals, including planning arrangements, keeping up with patient records, and charging.

Patient Care: People might fill in as part-time healthcare aides, offering help to patients with exercises of day to day living and portability.

10.  Sharjah Investment and Development Authority (Shurooq)

Shurooq is instrumental in driving monetary development in Sharjah, executing projects and drives to upgrade the emirate's business climate and personal satisfaction. Part-time job opportunities at Shurooq might envelop jobs, for example,

Showcasing: Part-time representatives might help with advertising efforts, branding drives, and special events to draw in investment and tourism.

Business Development: People might chip away at part-time premise to support business development endeavors, including statistical surveying, partnership effort, and financial backer relations.

Project Management: Part-time staff might help with project coordination, planning, and announcing for Shurooq's different development projects.

Working at Shurooq offers people bits of knowledge into monetary development methodologies, networking opportunities with industry partners, and openness to imaginative projects forming Sharjah's future.

Using the Online Job Portals

Using job portals can extraordinarily smooth out the most common way of figuring out part-opportunity work opportunities in Sharjah. Here is an outline of each referenced entry and how they can help job searchers:


Indeed, is a broadly perceived job search platform known for its extensive postings across different businesses and areas.

Indeed’s job postings from organization sites, job sheets, and other web-based sources, giving an immense database of opportunities.

Clients can without much of a stretch filter search results to figure out part-opportunity jobs in Sharjah explicitly, making it a productive device for job hunting.


LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that likewise fills in as a job search device.

Clients can associate with professionals in their industry and investigate part-time job postings from organizations in Sharjah.

LinkedIn's job search highlight permits clients to filter by part-time jobs, industry, and area, working with designated job searches.


Naukrigulf is customized explicitly for job searchers in Dubai, including the UAE.

 It offers an extensive variety of part-time job opportunities in Sharjah across different areas, taking special care of different ranges of abilities and inclinations.

Job searchers can make profiles, transfer continues, and get customized job suggestions in light of their capabilities and interests.


Dubizzle is a famous ordered promotions platform where clients can track down various postings, including part-time job opportunities.

Managers straightforwardly post job postings on Dubizzle, furnishing job searchers with direct admittance to part-time jobs in Sharjah.

The platform's easy to understand interface considers simple route and perusing of job postings in view of area and job classification.


GreatDubai has practical experience in job postings for the UAE, offering part-time opportunities in Sharjah and adjoining Emirates.

It includes a scope of job classifications and ventures, making it an important asset for job searchers searching for part-time work in Sharjah.

Clients can investigate job postings, apply straightforwardly through the platform, and get notices for new position postings matching their inclinations.


Edarabia principally centers around schooling related content yet in addition remembers part-time job postings for Sharjah, particularly in the training area.

It offers job postings for showing positions, administrative jobs, and other part-time opportunities inside instructive institutions in Sharjah.

Job searchers keen on part-time jobs in schooling can use Edarabia to investigate job openings and apply on the web.


Bayt is a main job entryway in the Center East, offering part-time job opportunities across different enterprises in Sharjah.

It gives progressed search highlights, permitting clients to refine their job search in view of rules, for example, industry, experience level, and compensation range.

Job searchers can make profiles, transfer continues, and get notices for new part-time job postings matching their inclinations.


GulfTalent is an extensive job entryway taking care of job searchers in the Bay district, including Sharjah.

It includes part-time positions with top organizations in Sharjah and gives assets to career development, including articles and master guidance.

Job searchers can get to nitty gritty organization profiles, read surveys, and research compensation data to settle on informed conclusions about possible managers.


Glassdoor offers bits of knowledge into organizations, including worker audits, pay data, and interview encounters.

Job searchers can utilize Glassdoor to acquire a superior understanding of organizations recruiting for part-time jobs in Sharjah and evaluate their work environment culture and notoriety.

Notwithstanding organization bits of knowledge, Glassdoor likewise includes part-time job postings, permitting clients to apply straightforwardly through the platform.


Talentmate is explicitly intended for job searchers in the UAE, offering part-time job postings and assets for career headway in Sharjah.

It gives an easy to understand platform to job searching, with elements, for example, customized job proposals and job cautions.

Job searchers can investigate part-time opportunities, apply on the web, and access instruments and assets to upgrade their job search and professional development.

Final Thoughts

All in all, utilizing these job portals can fundamentally improve the job search insight for people looking for part-time work in Sharjah. By exploring different job postings, interfacing with professionals, and using progressed search highlights, job searchers can actually explore the job market and figure out the ideal part-opportunity job to suit their requirements and yearnings. Blissful job hunting!


1. How would I apply for part-time jobs in Sharjah?

You can apply for part-time jobs in Sharjah by exploring job portals like LinkedIn, Naukri gulf, Dubizzle, and others. Just make a record, transfer your resume, and begin perusing and applying for significant job postings.

2. What sorts of part-time jobs are accessible in Sharjah?

Part-time job opportunities in Sharjah length different ventures and jobs, including customer administration, administration, retail operations, tutoring, event management, healthcare support, and more.

3. How might I upgrade my job search experience utilizing on the web job portals?

Online job portals like LinkedIn and Indeed offer high level search highlights, customized job proposals, and notices for new position postings. By utilizing these devices, you can tailor your job search and remain refreshed on pertinent opportunities.

4. Are there explicit job portals custom-made for the UAE job market?

Indeed, platforms like Naukri gulf, Great Dubai, Edarabia, Bayt, Gulf Talent, and Glassdoor are explicitly intended to take care of job searchers in the UAE, including Sharjah.

5. How might I research organizations and assess job opportunities in Sharjah?

Platforms like Glassdoor give bits of knowledge into organization audits, compensation data, and interview encounters. Furthermore, using LinkedIn permits you to associate with professionals in your industry and gain experiences into organization culture and reputation.

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