Are Luxury Cars Cheaper in Dubai? | Great Dubai

Are Luxury Cars Cheaper in Dubai? | Great Dubai

Dubai where luxury is presented in almost everything is an ideal place that creates curiosity on the cost of some of the luxurious products including cars. A question that most enthusiasts and potential buyers have asked and continue to ask include are luxury cars cheaper in the UAE, more specifically Dubai?

Exploring the Appeal of Dubai in the Luxury Car Sector

There are various reasons why Dubai has emerged and popularly considered as the world’s shopping capital. First, it is endowed with a strong economy pulled from tourism, commerce, and favorable tax structure. Unlike many countries whose import duties increase prices tremendously, Dubai levies low taxes and therefore is an attractive hub for upscale car users searching for possible discounts.

Tax and Duty Considerations

Often imported vehicles, even those considered as luxury cars are heavily taxed through importation duties, value added tax VAT and other taxes that rapidly escalate the cost of the vehicles. Nonetheless, Dubai has its own taxes or what can be referred to as taxes in the most basic sense. As it is clear, luxury items such as cars are exempted from VAT in the UAE including Dubai. The lack of such taxes may sometimes allow for lower prices than in areas where such taxes are implemented.

Competitive Market Dynamics

The Dubai luxury car market possessing a competitive outlook may also be a factor towards its account’s possibly lower prices. The city caters to many dealerships and showrooms of different luxurious brands creating heavy rivalry among the selling companies. Furthermore, as a trading post for the region, there is constant importation of new and used luxury cars from manufacturers and dealers around the world hence the availability of many types of cars in the market at varying prices.

Currency Exchange Advantage

Another reason that makes luxury cars in Dubai seem attainable by many is the exchange rates of the global currency for the Dubai dirham. The price of products is stated in UAE Dirham (AED) which links with US Dollars (USD) hence buyers who will be purchasing products from other foreign exchange currencies will enjoy relatively cheaper prices hence the perceived affordability.

Considerations for Prospective Buyers

However, several factors of this approach are worthy of consideration whereby Dubai presents a tempting opportunity for shoppers of luxury cars who are in pursuit of potential cost savings. Standard of importation and custom duties differ from country to country, meaning that the coordinate cost of importing a car from Dubai might vary. Also, the buyer should consider the costs of transportation of the car and even the costs of insuring a foreign car when considering the possibility of importing a car from another country.


In conclusion, it can be said that of course the money spent for luxury cars may be lower in Dubai depending on the policy of taxations, market estimation, and foreign exchange rate of dollars. Many Dubai based companies do not pay taxes, and the place has a highly active and dynamic leisure market that is normally characterized by relatively cheap prices for the target buyer. However, anyone intending to purchase any durable should ensure that they do an efficient analysis to consider all the relevant costs.