Can Anyone Drive a Rental Car in Dubai? | What to Know

Can Anyone Drive a Rental Car in Dubai? | What to Know

Dubai is one of the most famous cities globally, it is famous for luxury and modernization; attracts millions of tourists per year. When it comes to transportation for such travelers moving around the effervescent city this option of renting a car is advantageous. However, it still remains unclear who can actually drive the rental car in Dubai given the complicated regulations of car rentals in this part of the world. Concerning the process through which one can rent a car in Dubai, this is not a very complex issue. Visitors staying in the country and those who are already residents of the place can hire cars if they are over a certain age. Here’s what you have to take with you

Driving Requirements

The minimum age for renting a car in Dubai is twenty one years old depending on the rental car company. Yet, some car rentals may stipulate that only clients, who are 25 years and above, shall hire categorically priced or specific production cars. Please always ensure you ascertain the age limitations with the specific car hire company that you intend hiring your car from before booking.

License Validity

The drivers must be found to possess a valid driving license from the country of origin or an International driving permit. This permit takes your domestic license and translates it into multiple languages hence, it would be easier for officials to prove that you are a licensed driver. Make sure your license does not expire before you start, or during your stay in Dubai, as this can compound your legal issues.

Insurance Coverage

This insurance mainly covers third party risk which is again a basic insurance that comes with the car hire in Dubai.This coverage reimburses you for the damage you cause to others' property. It also covers injuries to them by your automobile. You can get extra insurance from many rental companies. It covers a tenant's home, health, liability, and damage to the rental unit and car.

Traffic Regulations

Traffic laws are stern for Dubai with the view of promoting safety of any individuals on the roads. The speed limits, traffic signs, and signals indicating parking zones have to be obeyed at all times. Failing to adhere to such authorities is likely to attract a penalty or a fine, which is binding to a tourist.

Additional Considerations

Some of the things that the clients should look at before they agree to hire a car include fuel price, parking, and tolls. Transportation in Dubai is very easy as it has a variety of roads and highways but during rush-hour traffic can be a nightmare especially in the central business districts.


Altogether, car rental in Dubai is more or less possible for all the tourists and residents meeting the age and licensing criteria. Knowing such regulations and mapping your way around, you will have all the liberty of moving around in Dubai. When choosing the rental company, ensure that you do a price comparison, as well as have proper insurance to have a good travel rental. If appropriate measures are taken, driving in Dubai can produce excellent results enabling the driver to get to many areas of interest and cultural significance in the city.