How Can I Extend My Car Rental Period in Dubai?

How Can I Extend My Car Rental Period in Dubai?

Prolonging your car rental duration in Dubai does not have to be complicated if you are aware of the right procedures to follow hence this article. Regardless of the reasons, basic knowledge of how to extend the rental car period is critical whether you are going for a long vacation, have to spend more time on business, or just want to see more of the city.

Contacting the Rental Company

Essentially, the first thing that a client should do in order to increase their rental period is to call the rental company. Ideally, it is advisable to request one once you realize you will require the car for an extended period. Some generalities that every rental company advises its clientele are a customer service phone number or an email for such matters. The affected tenants are to be given the ID of the particular rental agreement as well as the desired extension period.

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Checking Availability

When you call the rental company, the company will then review the availability of the car. If the car you rented is not available for the extra days, they can introduce you to a similar model. Confirmation must be done as soon as possible and usually once confirmed, it is crucial not to change a confirmed availability.

Terms and Conditions - An Overview

However, care should be taken, especially when giving the green light to the extension for the last couple of things to consider are the terms and conditions. This involves such matters as the charges for any extra things beyond the usual rental agreement, any amendments to the rental agreement, and insurance. This is because the guidelines of various rental companies may vary when it comes to the issue of extending the rental period therefore, such issues should be discussed in advance so as notF to encounter a variation in the end.

Payment Process

Once the terms and conditions are clearly stated as acceptable, you will be required to go to the next step which is the payment. Thus, the rental companies demand the current payment for the extended period. You are normally allowed to pay by credit card or other means of payment the restaurant accepts. Make sure you retain a photocopy of the payment receipt.

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Updating the Rental Agreement

When you make the payment, the details pertaining to your rental agreement will be adjusted to effectively include the new return date. It is also important to ensure you receive a copy whether electronic or hard copy of the latest agreement. This document is important because it can establish, and any changes and additions to the existing conditions of a contract are recorded here.

Insurance and Additional Coverage

In case you are extending your renting period, it is wise to self insure. Check whether the existing insurance policy also provides cover for the longer car rental period or whether one needs to take another policy for the same. It is always important to have enough of an insurance cover to help you in case of any occurrences.

Returning the Vehicle

There is normally the original process of returning the car which rental companies specify in case of early return of the car. Always return the car in the same condition as it was when you hired it with special attention given to the exterior part. To resolve any such problems, it is better to discuss it with the rental company beforehand so as not to be charged extra.

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The following are tips that could help you when planning to extend your car rental in Dubai. To conduct a hassle-free extended rental, you need to communicate with the rental company as early as possible and comprehend all the rules and be careful with the payment and documents. Always ensure that you go over your insurance details and ensure that you return the vehicle in a good state to qualify for the insurance.