How Early Should I Arrive to Pick up My Rental Car in Dubai?

How Early Should I Arrive to Pick up My Rental Car in Dubai?

Pre-arrangements for the rental car in Dubai can also turn out to be very crucial when organizing yourselves. The learning of the right time to arrive can be very beneficial in avoiding many inconveniences. Below are tips that will assist you in identifying the right time to hire your car rental in Dubai.

Gaining an insight of rental procedures in Dubai

First of all, it is essential to realize some general patterns of the procedures to follow before driving your rental car Dubai. Most rental companies in Dubai would want to see copies of your driving license, your passport, and a credit card to be used as a security. Getting to know these requirements before getting there already will be helpful in a way to lessen the time spent to discuss it.

Traffic Considerations in Dubai

This is another feature that is a part and parcel of life in Dubai traffic jams are almost the order of the day, especially during rush hours. Timing is again very vital; you do not have to arrive during rush hours because this is very time consuming and tiring. Usually one avoids peak hours, therefore the earliest parts of the day or late evening are less busy and it is easier to get to where you will pick your rental car.

Optimal Arrival Time

Hence, it is preferable to consider the arrival time as during non-peak periods especially regarding the rental counter waiting time. Local pick-ups usually are in the early morning, soon after the rental office is opened as it allows getting service faster since there are not many clients there. This timing can also enable you to conduct a keen inspection on the vehicle before embarking on the journey.

Factors Affecting Pickup Times

The period it takes to pick your rental car in Dubai may also vary due to; Some of the factors that could define the waiting time include the efficiency of the rental company, number of people in front of you, and services that you might want the attendant to prepare such as GPS or child seat. On this premise, one could agree with the statement to the effect that it could help if one is prepared with the necessary information and or documentations.


Timing when you are to pick your rental car in Dubai will go a long way in determining the start of your trip. If at all you can book the vehicle a few hours earlier, especially when the traffic is not very hectic, then you will find it very easy to pick up the vehicle of your choice without much hurry and in the process, you will have ample time to not only inspect the vehicle but also to fill any papers that you need as instructed. This foresight enables you to get off to a good start of your discovery of Dubai with much less hassle.