What Disqualifies You from Renting a Car?

What Disqualifies You from Renting a Car?

Car hire represents one of the convenient options to travel or to meet specific transportation needs. However, not all persons can hire a car and drive it since they are strictly checked on certain factors by the rental companies. Here are the foremost causes as to why you can be barred from renting a car.

Age Restrictions

Agreements between car rental service providers and users, sometimes state a minimum or a maximum age that one is allowed to rent a car. Normally the legal age for car rental hire is 21, however certain car rental companies may require the renter to be 25. This is because younger and new drivers are considered a higher risk in regard to insurance by car hire companies hence the additional fees or restrictions on their contracts.

Invalid Driver's License

A balanced identification is required, and this includes a valid driver’s license for one to be allowed to drive the car. Rental companies will want to verify that your license is valid and is the current one or an international license if accepted from your home country. To be able to drive in the territory of a certain country, you should have a valid license and moreover you cannot drive a rental car as well without appropriate permission.

Poor Driving Record

Your driving history matters. Companies may conduct their background search of records of new renters which may be restricted to traffic accident violations within the last few months, traffic mishaps, or driving under the influence (DUI). Reckless history or multiple violations may result in disqualification or charges would be added to the driver.

Lack of Payment Method

When it comes to renting a car, usually one is asked to produce a credit card in his or her name. This is for paying the rents, possible deposits and other incidental expenses as perceived. Lack of a credit card or the credit card not having enough credit limits the rental company from renting out a car to the client.

Age and condition of the car

Some of the weekend car rental companies may limit themselves to renting out vehicles that are of a certain age or condition. If you are just an ‘ordinary’ driver and need a vehicle of a certain model, there is a need to consult with the rental company to know if it can offer you what you need.

Insurance Coverage Issues

Although many rental companies provide insurance services, some of them insist on their clients to produce a personal auto insurance policy document or they may refuse to offer rental services to persons who cannot provide sufficient insurance cover. Ultimately it is good to know the insurance systems and stands that you may find before hiring a car.

Geographic Restrictions

It is also important to know whether the rental company has some territorial limitations concerning the vehicle usage or whether it is allowed to take a car to another country or drive it along dangerous and deserted roads. Stay away from any written contract that comes with restrictions regarding the area you live in that could help you rent.


Hiring a car has become easy if you have the right qualifications to produce when hiring the car. Thus, knowing the typical causes of disqualification will help make the rental process less complicated. Prior to rental agreement, always get a chance to go through the general terms and conditions because getting disqualified at the last moment is possible if you are not prepared.