What Happens if I Lose the Rental Car Keys in Dubai?

What Happens if I Lose the Rental Car Keys in Dubai?

It is never a pleasant experience to lose keys to a rental car, especially when this occurs in a sight, and specifically in Dubai. In regard to this, knowing the processes and consequences related to taking blood samples can go a long way in reducing some of the stress that comes with this process.

Immediate Steps to Take

When it comes to the discovery that the rental car keys are missing the first thing that has to be done is to relax. Sometimes if you retrace your steps to find the keys or ask establishments you possibly went to last could pan out.

Contacting the Rental Company

It is, therefore, important to report this to the rental company immediately. Nearly all the tenancy conditions are likely to identify how keys should be handled in cases of loss. Usually, they can ask you to file a report on the loss and follow instructions provided by this institution. This might entail the provision of such specifics as the contract number for the rented dwelling, its location, the circumstances, which led to the loss.

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Replacement Process

As for rental cars, which are widely rented in Dubai, most companies are likely to have certain arrangements for keys. Some of these services might have spare keys which can be brought to the scene of the emergency or you might be required to go to their office or depot to get the spare key.

Costs and Liabilities

It is always costly when keys get lost. It is not unusual to find in a rental agreement section where the lessee is to pay a certain fee for a replacement of the car key where for instance, a standard key, a key fob and so on depending on the car model. Also, other charges can be that of the administrative procedure involved in the replacement of the key.

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Time Impact

Depending on the nature of the problem, the time needed to solve it may take as little as a few hours and as long as months. Such elements as the presence of spare keys, the location of the rental company’s office, and time of day, in which the loss occurred, determine the terms on how you can regain access to the rental vehicle.

Legal and Contractual Obligations

Take your time to understand what you should do if you lose the keys.  Read the rental agreement. This comprises fines for late return of the vehicle provided that the keys were lost, and the potential to be charged extra for the keys other than the coverage of the rental company.

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Preventive Measures

Preventing loss of key is a way of reducing the losses in rental car business therefore it is advisable to use either key chains or holders that minimize the chances of the key to be lost. Make sure they are stored safely and should not be left carelessly around.


Losing rental car keys is always undesirable, especially in such a populous city as Dubai. If a client is faced with this problem, it is useful to gain an understanding of what actions should be taken in this case and immediately inform the car rental company of an accident so as not to disrupt an independent travel plan. So, it is always advisable to be informed of legal ways and channels to get out of a situation if you find yourself trapped in one like this or to prepare yourself adequately to deal with a similar situation in the future.