What Should I Do if the Rental Car Breaks Down in Dubai?

What Should I Do if the Rental Car Breaks Down in Dubai?

The unfortunate event of facing a breakdown of a rental car is not the best-feeling which is even compounded by the fact that it was in Dubai as a foreign city. However if properly empowered with knowledge and undertakes the necessary procedures, the individual in the situation can experience a smooth and efficient process. Here is a complete and concise guide of actions to take in case of a breakdown of a rented car in Dubai.

Keep Calm and Look for Safety

It is imperative however, to keep one’s cool before getting into any dispute or major argument. Through this one can easily get carried away resulting in hasty actions which are very dangerous to one's security. If practicable it is advised to drive the car to the lane border to prevent it from accidentally causing an obstruction. The driving part is to put on your hazard lights so that other drivers may notice that you have a problem and if you have safety cones or warning triangles you should place them on the vehicle to make them easily visible, especially at night or during unfavorable weather.

Contact the Rental Company

When everyone in the car and its passengers is safe, the next proper thing to do is to report the situation to your rental firm. It would be advisable to note that most rental agreements provide an emergency number for events like these. Give them all relevant information, including your locational description, the condition of the car, and any problem that you might be facing. Almost all rental companies that operate within the premises of Dubai provide a roadside assistance service and will direct you on whether they will be sending a mechanic to look into the issue, or if they will be providing another vehicle for you to use until yours is being worked on.

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Document the Situation

Before help arrives do not just sit idle; start taking some pictures or videos of the area instead. Take pictures of the car and its surroundings paying attention to whether it has any issues with the suspension paints or engine. These may prove useful when making an insurance claim or addressing the matter to management or owners of the rented vehicle. Note taking is also important because one should write anything that they noticed about the breakdown; lights on the dashboard or any noises that had been observed before the breakdown.

Know your rights and responsibilities

It is wise to understand what the rental agreement allows for in relation to breakdowns and accidents. It is important if you know your rights and obligations in case this will give you some ways to deal with it effectively. Generally, rental companies offer insurance for mechanical failures, so a call to the rental car company to see if there are any special exceptions to your case should be made. For instance, if the breakdown is caused by negligence or a breach of the rental terms you may be found answerable for the repairs.

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Utilize Local Resources

There are many different kinds of resources that are available for the drivers in distress in the region, especially in Dubai. You can also try to get some help from local authorities or some sort of roadside assistance if you are in some place where a rental company can take awhile to help you sue. The police force in Dubai is available for emergencies by dialing 999 and can offer help or give directions to the nearest facilities. Also, there are some organizations such as the Automobile and Touring Club of the UAE (ATCUAE) that present services to get help and may also be useful.

Plan for Future Incidents

It can be said that breakdowns are actually good in that they teach us something. In the future rentals, make sure to use rental insurance that takes care of help in case of a breakdown or accidents. The emergency kits should include a mobile phone with battery and a portable power bank besides other essentials in the car. Before you start your travels, ensure that you read through some general procedures of the rental company as well as some of the regional emergency contacts.


Car breakdown incidences are not pleasant though they are not exceptional; therefore, a car breakdown in Dubai does not need to be a trip ruiner. Thus, it is possible to calmly act during such a situation, call the rental company, take a non-slippery photo and video of the event, study the rights in this country and turn to local organizations. Being ready for challenges in the car will also make you ready for any other incidental occurrences during your trip within Dubai.