What Traffic Laws Should Rental Car Drivers Know in Dubai?

What Traffic Laws Should Rental Car Drivers Know in Dubai?

I think every driver who has ever been to another country understands that it is both thrilling and challenging to drive in the new country having to learn new traffic laws. Well, when we talk about the area that is encompassed by the highways as well as the city roads, Dubai is not lagging behind either. So if you are in Dubai to rent a car and travel independently, it is important to have some prior knowledge regarding some of the relative rules and regulations on the roads.

Speed Limits & Traffic Cameras

There is always a speed limit laid down in Dubai and if these benchmarks are crossed then it is not at all safe as there are very high chances of getting caught and one has to pay a very huge amount of money as fines. In the city for instance, its speed limit is normally preferred at sixty kph up to eighty kph, while in highways it can get up to one twenty kph. Further, traffic awareness is enhanced by speed cameras installed on most of the roads. These specific cameras are aimed at the enforcement of speed limits, but they are also used for detecting other offenses. Never fail to check for signposts which show speeds then drive Accordingly.

Must Read: What are the speed limits in Dubai that I should follow with a rental car?

No tolerance for drinking and driving

As for DUI, it is something that is prohibited in Dubai and has no toleration at all. The legal limit is 0 Also, the legal limit of alcohol in the bloodstream is equated to 0. 0%, this information was a clear indication that even one does not need to consume alcohol just half-baked, you can be jailed, deported, or even fined heavily. However, if you want to consume aerodigestive beverages it is advisable to utilize a taxi or an application forcalled transport.

Seat Belts and Child Safety

Everybody in Dubai must strap themselves inside a car as using seat belts remains compulsory. The driver is supposed to confirm that everybody in the car is wearing seat belts. When it comes to families on the road, there is a particular precaution applicable to car travel – children under the age of ten should not ride in an automobile’s front seat. Also, the child safety seats are compulsory to be used when traveling with kids or infants. It is important to abide by these laws since doing so not only will help one avoid being charged hefty fines but also increases safety.

Must Read: Are child car seats available with rental cars in Dubai?

Lane Discipline and Roundabouts

Drivers have to always ensure they avoid crossing into the next lane as this is very discouraged in Dubai. Such maneuvering as lane evasion and lane filtering can lead to attracting fines and accidents. To indicate lane change, the symbol should be used well ahead and ensure that you are on the correct lane if heading for the exit or turning. There are a lot of roundabouts in Dubai and when approaching this type of intersection you always yield to the right of the vehicle coming from your left. When approaching a roundabout ensure that you are cautious and observe proper traffic regulations and give way to vehicles within the roundabout.

Parking Regulations

No parking rules in Dubai are very hard and continue to be implemented especially in some of the most important business hubs. Parking your car in areas that are prohibited, like a disabled parking zone or along an emergency access lane, could see your car removed from the scene and you have to pay through your nose for the offense. Observe signs for parking and its restriction as well as ensure you park in the appropriate areas. They are prevalent in many regions, and usually, one can pay for parking through various methods such as automatic machines, mobile applications, or simply via SMS.

Must Read: How Does Parking Work in Dubai, and Where Can I Park a Rental Car?

Use of Mobile Phones

Talking with a mobile phone while driving is normally prohibited unless you have a blue tooth or any other hands free gadgets. Red light violations are due to distracted driving, an area the law aims to reduce hazards. In case you require making a call or navigating while driving, an ideal way is to utilize a hands-free device or safely stop at a parking lot away from the traffic.

Road Etiquette and Courtesy

It can be insinuated that participating in the automobile traffic in Dubai is rather boring and the drivers should be armed with a good crash course on etiquette. Driving has inconveniences. A motorist is likely to hit congested traffic, especially if he is on the road during rush hour. One must follow the road etiquette where one must stay polite and should not honk, cut into other vehicles or block their way when they wish to, for example, steer into another lane. Inexperienced drivers get into the act and undertake dangerous behaviors including cutting alongside other vehicles or over honking which are actually prohibited and attract fines.

Must Read: Are there special driving rules in Dubai when renting a car to know?

Emergency Vehicles

People must remember that letting throughway to emergency cars is more than a request – it is a rule. Driving down the highways and streets of any locality one has to swerve to the side of the road when one hears the approach of an ambulance, police car, or fire truck. If there’s another line breaking across the divide, that means it is a Two-Way Highway, slow down. Pull over to the shoulder. Allow the other car to pass right away. Failing to do that leads to the following severe penalties, access for the emergency intervention is urgent.


Many times people hire cars on rent and drive them in Dubai and if the person knows the traffic rules and regulations this is a relatively trouble free experience. Some important things that should be observed when driving include the appropriate speed to take a certain road or highway, wearing a seat belt while driving, ensuring you only change lanes when necessary or safe, and avoiding using your phone while driving. Thus, the given guidelines could be helpful to encounter the interaction with other road participants in Dubai and contribute to the overall safety of the roads.